Split-to-Single-Shaft Conversion Set for a Solex 40 PII carburetor.
This is an elaborate, newly produced, kit to convert your cumbersome split-shaft version of the Solex 40 PII carburettor to a single shaft.
The set contains everything that is needed for the conversion such as a brand new shaft, new butterfly valves, screws, pump command mechanism and miscellaneous small parts as depicted in the photograph.

The Solex PII carburetors are prone to wear in the shaft area due to lack of bearings. This means that the body itself wears but the shaft, made of hardened steel, doesn't.
To make life even easier for you, we can supply these kits in the standard diameter of 8.0mm but also in oversizes 8.1mm and 8.2mm.
The oversizes allow you to ream the body to accommodate the oversized shaft, thus eliminating the wear.
You can select the desired diameter through the Size* menu just above the Add to cart button.
A suitable reamer for these oversize shafts can be found HERE but can also be purchased along with the shafts through the Reamer? * menu.

This product is priced and sold as a single set.
Required quantity per carburettor: 1 set

This set consists of the numbers 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 14, 53, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64 and 65 on the drawing of the Solex 40 PII carburetor.
This is Our Article Number: CCR3689
* Made in Italy *