Replacement Needle Valve Assembly the Stromberg 175 CD carburetors.
This famous 175CD carburetter was manufactured, and sold, in many varieties and as a consequence, these varieties use, at least two, different needle valves.
The two available types are depicted here, the PM8011 and PM8016.

PM8011 is supplied in size 225 while PM8016 is supplied in size 200.

In order to determine which is the correct type for your carburetor, you will need to (partially) disassemble your carburetor.
If you are unsure which is the correct type for you, please feel free to contact us.
Our Contact Page can be found HERE.
This product is priced and sold as a single unit.
Required quantity per carburetor: 1

This is Number 1 in the drawing of the Stromberg 175 CD Carburetor.
Please bear in mind that these carburetors were made and sold under the following names:
- Stromberg
- Pierburg
- Zenith
- Deutsche Vergaser GmbH
This is a Carburetor City needle valve of excellent Italian manufacture.